Time To Talk Day 2024

Time To Talk

Thursday, February 1st, is Time To Talk Day, a day for making the effort to check-in and connect with others to strengthen individual mental wellbeing through joining together as a community.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind for Time To Talk Day:

Ask “How Are You?”

It is easy to say a quick “how are you?” but take the time to ask properly a second time. Also, share how you really are which creates the space for others to do the same.

Start The Conversation

If you find it hard to start a conversation about your mental wellbeing or in support of the wellbeing of others, try writing a message or talk while walking, cooking or driving to make it easier. Visit a friend or invite a friend over for a coffee or lunch if you can.

Really Listen

When others are sharing their problems, rather than looking for a solution right away, give them your full attention and really try to understand them before sharing your advice.

Tell Someone You Appreciate Them

Taking the time to communicate how much you appreciate someone makes others feel truly valued. A quick text or writing a card can make all the difference to someone’s day.

Join The Conversation with #TimeToTalk

  • Share a social media post on what has helped support your mental wellbeing, whether it be a sport, hobby, book or experience.
  • Share something you have learnt about mental health.
  • Share or recommend a podcast or celebrity/well-known figure who talks about mental health topics.

Time To Talk Day is on Thursday 1st of February 2024. Supported by the charity Mind, the day is about creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends or colleagues about mental health. For more tips and support visit www.mind.org.uk