Supporting Children's Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health Week

Supporting children in gaining the skills they need to thrive.

Mental health is an essential aspect of a child’s overall wellbeing that’s why we are supporting Children’s Mental Health Week this 6th-12th of February.

Founded by Place2Be, their vision is for all children and young people to have the support they need to build lifelong coping skills and thrive. 

Supporting The Mental Health Of Children

Supporting their mental health requires a combination of simple but effective strategies including:

  • Modelling healthy coping skills
  • Watching for behaviour changes 
  • Keeping communication open 
  • Creating a routine and setting clear boundaries
  • Expressing love and support
  • Providing positive feedback and encouragement
  • Encouraging movement and play
  • Talking about emotions and feelings
  • Involving them in decision-making and getting professional help if needed

By adopting these strategies, parents and caregivers can create a supportive environment for their children and promote their mental wellbeing.

See more resources and support by visiting the Place2Be website: