Hydration Power: How to Hydrate Properly for Health and Energy

With UK temperatures reaching scorching temperatures in the high 30s this summer, hydration has come into focus as an essential pillar of health.

It feels so good to be properly hydrated because of the energy it builds in the body and the relaxation effect it has on the nervous system via softening the fascia which is the collagen-based connective tissue throughout the body, which also helps you look younger!

How to Hydrate Properly:

  • Drink Plain Water Only When Triggered By Thirst

The body has a natural electrolyte management system signalled through thirst. Electrolytes are the minerals that carry electrical charge to energise the body. Having electrolyte levels too low can cause lethargy and muscle weakness. This is why it is key to listen to your body and drink plain water when triggered by thirst, which is the signal that your body is ready to take on more water. If your electrolyte levels are low, drinking more and more water will dilute the ratio of electrolytes, lowering your energy. Always have a drink to hand or on your desk so that the thirst signal is responded to straight away so that you are not left thirsty and dehydrated.

  • Hydrate Beyond Thirst Using Healthy Electrolyte Drinks

Do you want to get well hydrated? The key is to hydrate beyond the thirst signal by using electrolyte drinks. Electrolyte drinks are drinks that contain minerals so that you can drink more, while producing more energy within the body. Examples of electrolyte drinks could be coconut water or green juices or even electrolyte water (which is simply a tiny pinch of quality sea salt and squeezed lemon added to water). Aim to drink electrolyte drinks like these throughout the day to boost your hydration level.

  • Hydration Power - Turning Water Into Energy Using Light

Water and light come hand-in-hand when it comes to powering the body. This is because water acts like a battery in each cell of your body. This is through the formation of Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, coined ‘the fourth stage of water’ which is when water forms a negatively charged gel-like structure within each cell. This EZ water holds a negative charge allowing the rest of the water to hold a positive charge. This polarity creates energy potential for a battery effect which makes you feel energised.

The level of EZ water, therefore energy, can be increased making you feel more and more energised if you help it develop. EZ water is formed via using the energy from infra-red light from the sun (or infra-red light therapy) which facilitates the formation of EZ water. This infrared wavelength light needs to get to your body through exposed skin. This is one reason we feel so much more energised in summertime as we make it into shorts and t-shirts!

So if you want to feel hydrated, supple and energised, follow these simple tips:

  • Keep water on your desk or with you in a water bottle at all times to drink when thirsty
  • Have electrolyte drinks to hand or ready in your fridge for hydration boosts
  • Get your skin exposed to the sun (or an infra-red light therapy panel/sauna in winter)